NitNOT Headlice Treatment As Seen On Dragons Den100% Effective Kills All Head Lice and Eggs. Premium Nit Treatment Lotion(200ml). Lice Treatment Extra Defence for All Hair, for Children and Adults.
- HYPOALLERGENIC HEAD LICE TREATMENT 100% EFFECTIVE - NitNOT Head Lice Treatment Serum has been specially formulated for being a nit treatment extra strong without damaging the scalp. It works on all life cycle stages of the nits, even preventing the eggs from developing. Scientifically proven to be kind to the skin with no side effects. Perfect as headlice. treatment kids, best nit egg remover.
- UK PROFESSIONAL GRADE ECO FORMULA - NitNOT Nit Treatment Serum is made from odourless mineral oil solution which is scientifically recommended as the first line of defence for killing full marks head lice and eggs. Our serum is not tested on animals and is certified vegan. It is also non-flammable, unlike many other leading brands head lice treatments, keeping you and your family safe from harm.
- EASY TO APPLY - NitNOT Serum is easily applied using our handy applicator nozzle, meaning there is no waste – just use what you need. Great for use on all types of hair including curly, afro, thick and long hair. Our cost-effective 200ml full marks head lice treatment means there’s plenty enough for the whole family.
- PROFESSIONALLY ENDORSED – NitNOT Head Lice Treatment Serum is proudly endorsed by the British Association of Professional Nannies (BAPN) as the best headlice. treatment on the market. It is also certified by the government's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Our NitNOT Serum is free from perfumes and harmful additives and is the perfect head lice treatment nit lotion for children and the whole family.
- ECO-FRIENDLY - We are proud to be the first ever certified eco-friendly head lice, egg and nit treatment on the market, leading the way on being environmentally friendly, but without compromising on the effectiveness of the product. Packaged in environmentally friendly, sustainable packaging using our 100% recyclable eco-certified bottle made only from plant materials.
Color: Orange
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9 reviews
It's been a long time since I had to deal with headlice and all I remembered is the awful experiences with other products so it filled me with dread trying to find a product that works the first time then I came across nitnot. The product is a bit messy as it's oil but nothing a towel on the floor and on the shoulders can't fix. I left the product on for longer than 2 hours due to nap time (I placed a towl turban on my child) then I used washing up liquid first then a second wash of normal kids shampoo and all the product was gone so just conditioned as normal. There were quite a few dead louse floating in the bath water so that was the first sign this product actually worked. After that I doused my child's hair in leave in conditioner and thoroughly combed with the included comb to remove any dead lice still clinging on - NOTE there was no remaining alive lice after the first treatment. This is not the end of the journey as we will repeat in a weeks time but there was still the task to get rid of those little bead looking things that are nit eggs, I cannot say if the product killed the eggs but I'm not taking any risks of them hatching in days to come- the included comb does not remove the eggs. The best method I have found is to pull them down the hair shaft with your fingernails. (I have ordered a long toothed coiled headlice comb from amazon as this is supposed to remove eggs and save time) I highly recommend this product and will keep a back up bottle at home incase we have the dreaded things invade again.
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Hayley Bowes
Literally I’ve battled with head lice for months I’ve tried every single product going, over the chemist and also from our gp. But nothing works and always still end up with an Alive life. Well this product is top notch is worked 100 percent not one single live headlice from my children. Yes it is Abit pricey but it works so money well spent. I will be definitely purchasing again for the 7 days repeat. Well done for making me a happy mummy knowing my children’s head are all clean and not free. There is literally only one negative comment I can say. Maybe up the comb and make it slightly better just because it’s so slippy with the product it kept sliding out of my hand. Other than that I’m amazed.
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With two kids in primary school and one in nursery, I have been battling lice for years now and multiple times per term. I am resigned to the fact that I will be treating lice at least once a month until they're in secondary. So this is a very costly task - both in money and time. So my review is based on those two factors because after trying literally every product on the market, not a single one is 100% effective first time. And if you're expecting to do a one and done treatment, you will be repeating this cycle more often than necessary because you absolutely have to break the cycle and repeat your treatment. So in my opinion, you're better off ignoring the effectiveness claims of a product and focus more on the time and money aspects and make sure your method is correct. PROS There are lots of pros to using this product outside of the ones shown in the listing. It is the only way to get a comb through my daughters very thick hair and I think this would be a good fit for anyone with thick, curly, or dry hair. I would never, ever, put fairy liquid on my children's hair. I don't want to deal with the damage and dryness but I can understand it's a cheap option for dissolving the oil. I have found that if you apply any shampoo directly to the hair BEFORE water, it creates a creamy lather. Add little bits of water to make it lather more, rinse and repeat 2 more times. This has been effective at getting it out. It is competitively priced for what's out there but given the cons (below) the price feels a bit high as the time required to treat is so much longer than the other options out there. CONS This is a very time consuming option compared to other products. I like that it's eco friendly and just one ingredient but waiting 2 hours to comb and trying to keep kids away from pillows and couches (because it transfers oil everywhere) is a stressful nightmare. Some of them will keep a towel on their heads but try doing that with my 2 year old, not a chance. Washing it out takes forever too. There are shampoo based treatments out there and other oil based options that take 20 minutes or less to be 'effective'. None of them are 100% like I said so I tend to purchase the quicker ones and take an awful amount of care combing. I've even had luck using pure coconut oil with a few drops of peppermint and tea tree oil, but the same time consuming issue applies to this option (and the oily mess) but it's the cheapest option I've found. The MOST important thing you can do in this process is to repeat it in 7 days (and many times I've done a third treatment 7 days after that and found the lice still kicking). I love all of the advice provided in the listing, all of it is spot on in my experience, so don't skip any of these steps and you should be lice free in no time! I would recommend this product to people with certain hair types and older children who can be responsible and stay away from textiles. If you are short on time or have younger children, you're better off getting a 15 minute shampoo option, combing really well, and repeating in a week. It is the same result. Hope this helps!
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Un validissimo prodotto. Al contrario degli altri prodotti venduti in farmacia questo toglie realmente il parassita e le lendini. Ma soprattutto la facilità con cui si lavora il capello e la facilità con cui stacca le lendini dal capello! Seguire bene le istruzioni, effettuare il primo lavaggio con il detersivo per i piatti, sgrassa bene il prodotto e fare lo shampoo dopo sarà un gioco da ragazzi, lasciando ben puliti i capelli e soprattutto li lascia morbidi. Ha staccato tutte le lendini. Altra cosa importante bagnare bene con il prodotto per tutta la lunghezza del capello, insomma non siate parsimoniosi. Seguiteremo con la seconda applicazione dopo 7 giorni dalla prima.
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lucia gonzalez
Lo bueno es que no necesita usar gorro de ducha. El peine que viene en el envase no es de los mejores
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Endlich ein Shampoo, dass wirkt. Es brennt zwar auch ein bisschen auf der Kopfhaut bei der Anwendung, war aber offenbar sehr wirksam. Wir haben erst eine Anwendung hinter und und werden zur Sicherheit nochmal wiederholen.
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Halima El Yagoubi
Na vele producten en een invasie van luizen en neten op zoek gegaan en door de vele positieve recensies gekocht WAUW hij is wel heel plakkerig dus je moet echt wel 2 x de haren wassen met shampoo voor het product eruit is MAAR de luizen zijn dan ook echt weg en de neten kam je er zo uit SUPER product om komaf te maken met die vervelende kriebelbeestjes Werkt ook heel goed op dikke haren wat ook een groot pluspunt is De fles dop had wel wat handiger gemogen maar na 1 beurt verlost dus tevreden
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Je dois le dire, j'ai lutté pendant des années contre les poux. Des années où j'ai tout, TOUT essayé (sauf raser la tête de mes filles...). J'ai essayé les produits de parapharmacie, les marques bien connues, qui coûtent un bras avec traitement que tu recommences x fois pour des récidives assurées, j'ai essayé les méthodes artisanales genre masque à l'huile d'olive et à la mayo, j'ai même testé le henné neutre (recommandation d'une coiffeuse qui m'avait dit que c'était radical... mais bon, ça a juste donné un max de brillance et de souplesse aux cheveux de mes filles, les poux eux, n'ont même pas été égratignés). J'ai donc jeté beaucoup d'argent par les fenêtres, tellement que je me demande si avec tous l'argent perdu dans ces produits inefficaces, on n'aurait pas pu se payer un beau week-end en famille. Dans mes errances sur Amazon, alors que je m'apprêtais à commander deux tubes de baume décolleur de lentes (oui parce qu'en plus des poux, les lentes mortes inesthétiques restent soudées aux cheveux comme s'il fallait garder des stigmates de cette guerre sans fin ! Genre "vous avez gagné cette bataille mais pas la guerre" vous voyez...) quand je suis tombée sur les commentaires à propos de ce produit anti-poux Nit Not. C'était sans appel : c'est THE produit miracle qui te débarrasse des poux à coup sûr. Je me suis dit que ça valait le coup de tenter même si, de prime abord, le produit me semblait un peu cher. J'ai commandé, j'ai testé et je n'en ai pas cru mes yeux. Infestation sur deux têtes à longs cheveux, le flacon m'a permis de faire 2 applications sur l'une et 3 sur l'autre (ses cheveux sont plus fins). Après ce traitement, plus un seul poux pendant des mois ! Puis réapparition sur une tête des mois après, traitement en une seule application, terminé, adios les poux. C'est difficile à croire quand on a tout essayé mais ce produit, c'est juste dingue comme il fonctionne bien. Il est effectivement TRES gras mais il s'applique très facilement. Il faut juste prévoir des serviettes pour protéger un peu la zone. Rinçage : prévoyez plusieurs shampoing mais ça part assez facilement malgré tout. Résultats : cheveux doux et brillants, pas d'odeur caractéristique, plus de poux. Reste à retirer les lentes mortes qui ont résisté au peigne et basta. Au final, le produit qui me semblait cher ne l'est pas du tout car m'a permis de faire 5 traitements et surtout sans récidive. Là où je dépensais des sommes folles tous les mois en produits nuls à la pharmacie. Vraiment, je recommande à 10000000 % Et s'il n'est plus dispo sur Amazon France, on le trouve aussi sur Amazon UK (et perso je suis prête à le commander à l'étranger si besoin vu que c'est le seul produit que j'ai testé qui marche VRAIMENT).
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- Manufacturer Nitnot
- Package dimensions 19.1 x 6 x 3.6 centimetres
- Package Weight 0.23 Kilograms
- Brand Nitnot
- Colour Orange, White
- Format Lotion
- Volume 200 Millilitres
- Manufacturer reference N9-HW5M-69CN
- Package Dimensions 19.1 x 6 x 3.6 cm; 230 g
- Date First Available 27 Nov. 2018
- Customer Reviews 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 3,447 ratings var dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction; P.when('A', 'ready').execute(function(A) { if (dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction !== true) { dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction = true; A.declarative( 'acrLink-click-metrics', 'click', { "allowLinkDefault": true }, function (event) { if (window.ue) { ue.count("acrLinkClickCount", (ue.count("acrLinkClickCount") || 0) + 1); } } ); } }); P.when('A', 'cf').execute(function(A) { A.declarative('acrStarsLink-click-metrics', 'click', { "allowLinkDefault" : true }, function(event){ if(window.ue) { ue.count("acrStarsLinkWithPopoverClickCount", (ue.count("acrStarsLinkWithPopoverClickCount") || 0) + 1); } }); }); 4.3 out of 5 stars
- Best Sellers Rank 269 in Beauty (See Top 100 in Beauty) 1 in Lice Shampoos & Rinses 72 in Hair Care
- Is discontinued by manufacturer : No
- Package Dimensions : 19.1 x 6 x 3.6 cm; 230 g
- Manufacturer : Nitnot
- Manufacturer reference : N9-HW5M-69CN
- Country of origin : China
- Material Plastic
- Brand Nitnot
- Hair type All
- Size 200 ml (Pack of 1)
- Number of items 1
- Unit count 200.0 millilitre
- Manufacturer Nitnot
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